Kitab Guru

$100M Leads: How to Get Strangers To Want To Buy Your Stuff

You can get 2x, 10x, or 100x more leads than you currently are without changing anything about what you sell…

This book contains the playbooks that took me from sleeping on my gym floor to owning a portfolio of companies that generate $200,000,000 per year in under a decade. Wanna know the biggest difference between those two time periods? How many leads I was getting.

The problem is – most business owners don’t know how to get leads.

This book to solve your LEADS problem.

Today, our companies generate 20,000+ new leads per day across sixteen different industries. And, they do it using the eight “never-go-hungry” playbooks inside. Once you see them, you can’t unsee them. They’re so powerful, they work without your permission.

Inside you will find…

…The easiest way to get another five customers tomorrow

…The hook-retain-reward system to transforms content into leads

…The 6-part ad framework that gets more people – especially strangers – to want what you sell

…The one question that immediately turns any stranger (no matter how cold) into a hot lead

…The 7 direct referral methods responsible for 30% of my sales

…The affiliate playbook that gets hundreds of other businesses to advertise your stuff for free

…The agency agreement that gets them to teach you their lead-getting secrets at no cost

…The how-to-get-people-off-the-streets-and-getting-you-leads in under 2 weeks framework

…and everything else that got our companies boatloads of leads…fast.

And the best part is…you can use these playbooks to get more leads within an hour of reading this book. You just have to know where to look…and the first place is inside.

 Overview of the Book


The book likely covers a broad range of topics related to lead generation, which is the process of attracting and converting strangers into people who have indicated interest in a company’s product or service. Hormozi’s approach is practical and based on his own experiences in scaling businesses. Here’s a breakdown of the potential content:


 1. Understanding Leads and Their Importance


The book likely starts by defining what a lead is and why lead generation is crucial for any business. A lead is essentially any individual or organization that has expressed interest in what a business is selling. These leads are the potential customers that, when nurtured correctly, can be converted into actual sales.


Hormozi probably emphasizes that not all leads are created equal. The quality of leads—how likely they are to become paying customers—matters more than the quantity. The book would likely stress the importance of targeting the right audience and generating high-quality leads that are more likely to convert.


 2. The Psychology Behind Lead Generation


Understanding the psychology of potential customers is essential for effective lead generation. Hormozi may delve into the motivations and pain points of customers and how to tap into these through targeted marketing efforts. This section would focus on understanding what drives a customer to move from being a stranger to being interested in a product or service.


The book might explore concepts like:


The Buyer’s Journey: Understanding the stages a customer goes through before making a purchase.

Emotional Triggers: Identifying what emotional triggers can be used in marketing messages to attract potential customers.

Value Proposition: How to clearly communicate the value of your product or service in a way that resonates with your target audience.


 3. Building a Lead Generation System


A significant portion of the book is likely dedicated to the nuts and bolts of creating a lead generation system. Hormozi probably outlines a step-by-step process that businesses can follow to build their own system from scratch or improve an existing one.


This section might include:


Lead Magnets: Offering something of value to potential customers in exchange for their contact information. This could be a free ebook, a discount, a webinar, or any other valuable content.

Sales Funnels: Designing a funnel that guides leads from awareness to decision-making. This funnel would involve multiple stages, including attracting leads, nurturing them through email marketing or retargeting, and eventually converting them into customers.

Automation: Utilizing tools and software to automate parts of the lead generation process, making it more efficient and scalable. Automation can help in managing large volumes of leads without losing the personal touch that can be crucial in converting them into customers.


 4. Scaling Lead Generation


As the title suggests, the book likely covers how to scale lead generation efforts to reach $100 million in revenue. Scaling is about growing your lead generation efforts while maintaining or improving the quality of leads.


Hormozi might discuss:


Paid Advertising: Using platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn, and others to reach a broader audience. The book would likely cover best practices for running effective ad campaigns that generate high-quality leads.

Content Marketing: Producing and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience. This could involve blogging, video marketing, podcasts, social media content, and more.

Partnerships and Affiliations: Leveraging partnerships with other businesses or influencers to reach a larger audience. Affiliate marketing could also be a strategy discussed in this section.


 5. Measuring Success and Iterating


To ensure that lead generation efforts are effective, Hormozi likely emphasizes the importance of tracking and analyzing key metrics. This section would cover:


–  Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identifying the most important metrics to track, such as cost per lead, conversion rate, and customer lifetime value.

A/B Testing: The importance of continuously testing different strategies, messaging, and offers to see what works best.

–  Iteration: How to use data and feedback to continuously improve lead generation strategies. The book would likely stress the importance of being adaptable and willing to change tactics based on what the data shows.


6. Real-World Case Studies and Examples


Hormozi might include real-world examples and case studies to illustrate the principles discussed in the book. These case studies could provide insights into how other businesses have successfully implemented the strategies outlined in the book and achieved significant growth.


The book might also include Hormozi’s own experiences in growing his businesses, offering readers a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges and successes he faced along the way.


 7. Common Mistakes and Pitfalls


No guide would be complete without discussing the common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid in lead generation. Hormozi would likely cover:


Focusing on Quantity Over Quality: Generating a large number of leads that don’t convert can be a waste of resources. The book would stress the importance of focusing on the quality of leads.

Neglecting Follow-Up: Many businesses fail to follow up with leads effectively, resulting in lost opportunities. Hormozi would likely provide strategies for maintaining engagement with leads until they are ready to buy.

Ignoring Customer Feedback: Not listening to customers can lead to missed opportunities for improvement. The book would likely stress the importance of being responsive to customer needs and feedback.


8. The Future of Lead Generation


Finally, the book might look ahead to the future of lead generation, discussing emerging trends and technologies that could shape how businesses attract and convert customers in the coming years. This could include the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics in lead generation.




$100M Leads” is likely a comprehensive guide to lead generation, providing readers with actionable strategies and insights to attract and convert customers at scale. By focusing on both the psychology of customers and the practical aspects of building and scaling a lead generation system, Alex Hormozi’s book could serve as a valuable resource for anyone looking to grow their business and achieve significant revenue growth.

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