Kitab Guru

Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck–Why Some Thrive Despite Them All

Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck--Why Some Thrive Despite Them All

Great by Choice: Uncertainty, Chaos, and Luck—Why Some Thrive Despite Them All” is a book written by Jim Collins and Morten T. Hansen. The authors examine the factors that distinguish companies that thrive in chaotic and uncertain environments from those that do not. The book is based on nine years of research and analysis, and it presents a set of principles and practices that enable organizations to achieve sustained success. Below is a summary of the key insights from “Great by Choice.”

 Core Concepts:

1. 10Xers and 20-Mile March: 
-The concept of 10Xers refers to companies that consistently outperform their industry counterparts by at least ten times during tumultuous times.
– The 20-Mile March is the idea that successful companies set ambitious but achievable performance goals and consistently meet them. This disciplined approach helps them navigate through uncertainties.

2. Fanatical Discipline:
– Successful companies display fanatical discipline in their approach, ensuring consistency in performance, regardless of external circumstances.
– This discipline is reflected in the 20-Mile March, where companies adhere to a set of performance markers, and they don’t veer off course, whether times are good or bad.

3. Empirical Creativity:
– Companies that thrive in uncertain environments rely on empirical creativity. This means making bold, innovative moves but doing so in a disciplined, empirical, and systematic way.
– They test their innovations on a small scale, gather data, and then expand based on what the data indicates.

4. Productive Paranoia:
– Successful organizations practice productive paranoia, which involves maintaining constant vigilance and preparing for the worst-case scenarios.
– Being prepared for uncertainties allows these organizations to react quickly and effectively when challenges arise.

5. Leading above the Death Line:
– The Death Line represents a point below which a company would fail to maintain viability. Successful leaders lead their organizations above this line, ensuring sustainability.

Examples and Case Studies:

1. Amundsen vs. Scott:
– The book compares the expeditions of Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott to the South Pole. Amundsen represents the 20-Mile March, steadily advancing, while Scott represents erratic progress. Amundsen reached the Pole successfully, while Scott’s team faced tragic consequences.

2. Southwest Airlines:
– Southwest Airlines exemplifies the concept of fanatical discipline. Despite being in a volatile industry, Southwest maintained consistent profitability through disciplined practices, such as sticking to a single aircraft type and focusing on operational efficiency.

3. Genentech:
– Genentech is cited as an example of empirical creativity. The company combined rigorous scientific processes with entrepreneurial spirit, allowing it to innovate in the biotech industry successfully.

4. Microsoft:
– Microsoft’s adaptive approach to navigating uncertainties is highlighted. The company shifted from dominating the PC operating system market to adapting and excelling in the software and cloud computing domains.

Practical Applications:

1. 20-Mile March:
– Organizations are encouraged to set and maintain a 20-Mile March by defining performance markers, sticking to them consistently, and not getting swayed by short-term success or failure.

2. Empirical Creativity:
– Companies are advised to blend creativity with discipline. This involves setting up experiments, testing ideas in a controlled manner, and relying on empirical evidence to guide decisions.

3. Productive Paranoia:
– Leaders are urged to practice productive paranoia by being prepared for unexpected events. This involves scenario planning, risk mitigation, and maintaining resilience in the face of uncertainties.

4. Leading above the Death Line:
– Leaders should prioritize actions that keep their organizations above the Death Line, ensuring financial health, operational efficiency, and adaptability.


“Great by Choice” provides valuable insights for leaders and organizations navigating uncertain and chaotic environments. By examining the practices of companies that have thrived despite challenges, the book offers a roadmap for achieving sustained success. The principles of fanatical discipline, empirical creativity, productive paranoia, and leading above the Death Line serve as actionable strategies for organizations aiming to excel in unpredictable landscapes.

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